Photo by B. Schilling
As of now, I have left university and am working on Sensor Intelligence.
Before, I was a PhD student and postdoctoral research assistant at the Humanoid Robots Laboratory of the University of Freiburg, where I received my PhD under the supervision of Maren Bennewitz in March 2014.
See Projects and Publications below for more details about my research. Some videos of my work are also available in our lab's YouTube-Channel.
You can find some of the code that I develop and maintain on the Code page.
The OctoMap library provides a compact and efficient data structure for robotic mapping in arbitrary 3D environments. I am the co-developer and current maintainer of the project, which is available open-source at GitHub under the BSD license.
As a member of the DFG-funded SFB/TR8 Spatial Cognition, I work on humanoid robot navigation in complex indoor environments.
I am the developer and maintainer of several drivers and other software that integrates the Nao humanoid robot into ROS, a free and open source robot operating system. In addition to the Nao ROS stack, I also maintain the humanoid_navigation stack and the octomap_mapping stack that integrates OctoMap into ROS.
During a research internship at Willow Garage in California I worked on the manipulation occupancy map collider and developed the 3d_navigation stack. This set of software packages enables a mobile manipulation robot like the PR2 to navigate in complex, threedimensional and cluttered environments.
You can also find my publications at
Google Scholar and DBPL.
Armin Hornung, Sebastian Böttcher, Christian Dornhege, Andreas Hertle, Jonas Schlagenhauf, and Maren Bennewitz
Mobile Manipulation in Cluttered Environments with Humanoids: Integrated Perception, Task Planning, and Action Execution
Proceedings of the IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, 2014.
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To autonomously carry out complex mobile manipulation
tasks, a robot control system has to integrate several components for
perception, world modeling, action planning and replanning,
navigation, and manipulation. In this paper, we present a modular
framework that is based on the Temporal Fast Downward Planner and
supports external modules to control the robot. This allows to
tightly integrate individual sub-systems with the high-level symbolic
planner and enables a humanoid robot to solve challenging mobile
manipulation tasks. In the work presented here, we address mobile
manipulation with humanoids in cluttered environments, particularly
the task of collecting objects and delivering them to designated
places in a home-like environment while clearing obstacles out of the
way. We implemented our system for a Nao humanoid tidying up a
room, i.e., the robot has to collect items
scattered on the floor, move obstacles out of its way, and deliver the
objects to designated target locations. Despite the limited sensing
and motion capabilities of the low-cost platform, the experiments show
that our approach results in reliable task execution by applying
monitoring actions to verify object and robot states.
author = {Armin Hornung and Sebastian Boettcher and Christian Dornhege
and Andreas Hertle and Jonas Schlagenhauf and Maren Bennewitz},
title = {Mobile Manipulation in Cluttered Environments with Humanoids:
Integrated Perception, Task Planning, and Action Execution},
booktitle = {Proc.~of the IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid
Robots (HUMANOIDS)},
year = 2014,
month = {November},
address = {Madrid, Spain},
Humanoid service robots promise a high adaptability to environments designed
for humans due to their human-like body layout. They are thus well-suited
to assist humans in domestic environments for everyday tasks or
providing elderly care, but also to replace human workers in hazardous environments.
The human-like structure allows versatile manipulation with two arms
as well as stepping over or onto obstacles with bipedal locomotion.
Compared to wheeled platforms, however, the kinematic structure of humanoids
requires active balancing while walking and allows only a limited payload, e.g.,
for additional sensors. Inaccurate motion execution can lead to foot slippage
and thus to a poor estimation of ego-motion. Furthermore, the high number of
degrees of freedom make planning and control a challenging problem for humanoid robots.
Autonomous navigation is a core capability of any service robot that performs
high-level tasks involving mobility. Before a robot can fulfill a task, it needs to know where it is
in the environment, what the environment looks like, and how it can successfully reach its goal.
In this thesis, we present several novel contributions to the field of
humanoid robotics with a focus on navigation in complex environments. We
hereby cope with challenges in the areas of 3D environment representations, localization,
perception, motion planning, and mobile manipulation.
As a basis, we first introduce a memory-efficient 3D environment representation
along with techniques for building three-dimensional maps. In this representation, our
probabilistic localization approach estimates the 6D pose of the humanoid based on
data of its noisy onboard sensors. We compare different range sensors as well
as sensor and motion models. For the critical task of climbing stairs,
we develop an improved particle filter that additionally integrates vision data for
a highly accurate pose estimate. We also present methods to perceive staircases in
3D range data. For reaching a navigation goal with a humanoid robot,
we introduce and compare different search-based footstep planning approaches
with anytime capabilities. We then investigate planning for the whole body of the humanoid
while considering constraints such as maintaining balance during a manipulation task.
This enables the robot to pick up objects or open doors. Finally,
we present an efficient approach for navigation in three-dimensional
cluttered environments that is particularly suited for mobile manipulation.
All techniques developed in this thesis were thoroughly evaluated both with
real robots and in simulation. Our contributions generally advance
the navigation capabilities of humanoid robots in complex
indoor environments.
author = {Armin Hornung},
title = {Humanoid Robot Navigation in Complex Indoor Environments},
school = {Albert-Ludwigs-Universit{\"a}t Freiburg},
year = {2014},
address = {Freiburg, Germany},
month = {March}
Accurate and reliable localization is a prerequisite for autonomously
performing high-level tasks with humanoid robots.
In this article, we present a probabilistic localization method for humanoid robots
navigating in arbitrary complex indoor environments using only onboard
sensing, which is a challenging task. Inaccurate motion execution of biped robots leads to an
uncertain estimate of odometry, and their limited payload constrains
perception to observations from lightweight and typically noisy sensors. Additionally, humanoids
do not walk on flat ground only and perform a swaying motion
while walking, which requires estimating a full 6D torso pose.
We apply Monte Carlo localization to globally
determine and track a humanoid's 6D pose in a given 3D world model, which
may contain multiple levels and staircases. We present an
observation model to integrate range measurements from a laser scanner or a depth camera as well as attitude data and
information from the joint encoders. To increase the localization
accuracy, e.g., while climbing stairs, we propose a further
observation model and additionally use monocular vision data
in an improved proposal distribution.
We demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods in extensive
real-world experiments with a Nao humanoid. As the experiments illustrate, the robot is able to
globally localize itself and accurately track its 6D pose while walking and climbing stairs.
author = {Armin Hornung, Stefan Osswald, Daniel Maier, Maren Bennewitz},
title = {Monte Carlo Localization for Humanoid Robot Navigation in
Complex Indoor Environments},
journal = {International Journal of Humanoid Robotics},
volume = {11},
number = {02},
year = {2014},
month= {June},
doi = {10.1142/S0219843614410023},
Efficient footstep planning for humanoid navigation through cluttered
environments is still a challenging problem. Often, obstacles create local
minima in the search space, forcing heuristic planners such as A* to expand
large areas. Furthermore, planning longer footstep paths often takes a long time
to compute. In this work, we introduce and discuss several solutions to these
problems. For navigation, finding the optimal path initially is often not needed
as it can be improved while walking. Thus, anytime search-based planning based
on the anytime repairing A* or randomized A* search provides promising
functionality. It allows to obtain efficient paths with provable suboptimality
within short planning times. Opposed to completely randomized methods, anytime
search-based planners generate paths that are goal-directed and guaranteed to be
no more than a certain factor longer than the optimal solution. By adding new
stepping capabilities and accounting for the whole body of the robot in the
collision check, we extend the footstep planning approach to 3D. This enables a
humanoid to step over clutter and climb onto obstacles. We thoroughly evaluated
the performance of search-based planning in cluttered environments and for
longer paths. We furthermore provide solutions to efficiently plan long
trajectories using an adaptive level-of-detail planning approach.
author = {Armin Hornung and Daniel Maier and Maren Bennewitz},
title = {Search-Based Footstep Planning},
booktitle = {Proc.~of the ICRA Workshop on Progress and Open Problems in
Motion Planning and Navigation for Humanoids},
year = 2013,
month = {May},
address = {Karlsruhe, Germany}
Humanoid service robots performing complex object manipulation tasks
need to plan whole-body motions that satisfy a variety of
constraints: The robot must keep its balance, self-collisions and
collisions with obstacles in the environment must be avoided and, if
applicable, the trajectory of the end-effector must follow the
constrained motion of a manipulated object in Cartesian space. These
constraints and the high number of degrees of freedom make
whole-body motion planning for humanoids a challenging problem. In
this paper, we present an approach to whole-body motion planning
with a focus on the manipulation of articulated objects such as doors
and drawers. Our approach is based on rapidly-exploring random
trees in combination with inverse kinematics and considers all
required constraints during the search. Models of articulated
objects hereby generate hand poses for sampled configurations along
the trajectory of the object handle. We thoroughly evaluated
our planning system and present experiments with a Nao humanoid
opening a drawer, a door, and picking up an object.
The experiments demonstrate the ability
of our framework to generate solutions to complex planning
problems and furthermore show that these plans can be reliably
executed even on a low-cost humanoid platform.
author = {Felix Burget and Armin Hornung and Maren Bennewitz},
title = {Whole-Body Motion Planning for Manipulation of Articulated Objects},
booktitle = {Proc.~of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Automation (ICRA)},
year = 2013,
month = {May},
address = {Karlsruhe, Germany}
Three-dimensional models provide a volumetric representation of space
which is important for a variety of robotic applications including flying robots and robots that
are equipped with manipulators. In this paper, we present an
open-source framework to generate volumetric 3D environment models. Our mapping approach
is based on octrees and uses probabilistic occupancy estimation. It
explicitly represents not only occupied space, but also free and unknown areas.
Furthermore, we propose an octree map compression method that keeps the 3D models
compact. Our framework is available as an open-source C++ library and
has already been successfully applied in several robotics projects. We
present a series of experimental results carried out with real robots
and on publicly available real-world
datasets. The results demonstrate that our approach is able to update
the representation efficiently and models
the data consistently while keeping the memory requirement at a
author = {Armin Hornung and Kai M. Wurm and Maren Bennewitz and Cyrill
Stachniss and Wolfram Burgard},
title = {{OctoMap}: An Efficient Probabilistic {3D} Mapping Framework Based
on Octrees},
journal = {Autonomous Robots},
year = 2013,
month= {April},
url = {},
doi = {10.1007/s10514-012-9321-0},
note = {Software available at \url{}},
volume = 34,
issue = 3,
pages = {189-206}
Efficient footstep planning for humanoid navigation through cluttered
environments is still a challenging problem. Many obstacles create local
minima in the search space, forcing heuristic planners such as A* to
expand large areas. The goal of this work is to efficiently
compute long, feasible footstep paths. For navigation, finding
the optimal path initially is often not needed as it can be improved while
walking. Thus, we propose
anytime search-based planning using the anytime repairing A* (ARA*) and
randomized A* (R*) planners. This allows to obtain efficient paths with
provable suboptimality within short planning times. Opposed to
completely randomized methods such as rapidly-exploring random
trees (RRTs), these planners create
paths that are goal-directed and guaranteed to be no more than a certain
factor longer than the optimal solution. We thoroughly evaluated the planners in various
scenarios using different heuristics. ARA* with the 2D
Dijkstra heuristic yields fast and efficient solutions but its potential
inadmissibility results in non-optimal paths for some scenarios. R*, on the other hand
borrows ideas from RRTs, yields fast solutions, and is less dependent
on a well-designed heuristic function. This allows it to avoid local
minima and reduces the number of expanded states.
author = {Armin Hornung and Andrew Dornbush and Maxim Likhachev and Maren
title = {Anytime Search-Based Footstep Planning with Suboptimality Bounds},
booktitle = {Proc.~of the IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid
Robots (HUMANOIDS)},
year = 2012,
month = {November},
address = {Osaka, Japan}
In this paper, we present an integrated approach for robot
localization, obstacle mapping, and path planning in 3D environments
based on data of an onboard consumer-level depth camera. We rely on
state-of-the-art techniques for environment modeling and
localization, which we extend for depth camera data. We
thoroughly evaluated our system with a Nao humanoid equipped with
an Asus Xtion Pro Live depth camera on top of the humanoid's head and present navigation
experiments in a multi-level environment containing static and
non-static obstacles. Our approach performs in real-time, maintains
a 3D environment representation, and estimates the robot's pose in 6D.
As our results demonstrate, the depth camera is well-suited
for robust localization and reliable obstacle avoidance in
complex indoor environments.
author = {Daniel Maier and Armin Hornung and Maren Bennewitz},
title = {Real-Time Navigation in {3D} Environments Based on Depth Camera Data},
booktitle = {Proc.~of the IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid
Robots (HUMANOIDS)},
year = 2012,
month = {November},
address = {Osaka, Japan}
To fulfill high-level tasks, humanoid service robots must
be able to autonomously and robustly navigate in man-made
environments. These environments can be arbitrarily
complex, containing multiple levels and various types of
stairs or ramps connecting them. We previously presented
techniques for autonomously climbing spiral staircases with
humanoid robots. In this work, we extend this research
direction by walking down ramps.
On a Nao humanoid, we apply kinesthetic teaching to learn
single stepping motions for the ramp. As we show in the
experiments, by using the learned motions and integrating
monocular vision and inertial data, the Nao is able to
autonomously walk down a 2.10 m long ramp at an inclination
of 20 degrees. The accompanying video shows the complete
process of locating the beginning of the ramp using visual
observations, walking down with regular corrections based
on the inertial data, and finally determining the end of
the ramp by detecting the ending edge before exiting the
author = {Christian Lutz and Felix Atmanspacher and Armin Hornung
and Maren Bennewitz},
title = {NAO Walking Down a Ramp Autonomously},
booktitle = {Video Proc.~of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on
Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)},
year = 2012,
month = {October},
address = {Vilamoura, Portugal}
In order to successfully climb challenging staircases that
consist of many steps and contain difficult parts, humanoid
robots need to accurately determine their pose. In this
paper, we present an approach that fuses the robot's
observations from a 2D laser scanner, a monocular camera,
an inertial measurement unit, and joint encoders in order
to localize the robot within a given 3D model of the
environment. We develop an extension to standard Monte
Carlo localization (MCL) that draws particles from an
improved proposal distribution to obtain highly accurate
pose estimates. Furthermore, we introduce a new observation
model based on chamfer matching between edges in camera
images and the environment model. We thoroughly evaluate
our localization approach and compare it to previous
techniques in real-world experiments with a Nao humanoid.
The results show that our approach significantly improves
the localization accuracy and leads to a considerably more
robust robot behavior. Our improved proposal in combination
with chamfer matching can be generally applied to improve a
range-based pose estimate by a consistent matching of lines
obtained from vision.
author = {Stefan O{\ss}wald and Armin Hornung and Maren Bennewitz},
title = {Improved Proposals for Highly Accurate Localization Using Range
and Vision Data},
booktitle = {Proc.~of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on
Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)},
year = 2012,
month = {October},
address = {Vilamoura, Portugal}
In this paper, we consider the problem of efficient path planning
for humanoid robots by combining grid-based 2D planning with footstep
planning. In this way, we exploit the advantages of both frameworks,
namely fast planning on grids and the ability to find solutions in
situations where grid-based planning fails. Our method computes a
global solution by adaptively switching between fast grid-based
planning in open spaces and footstep planning in the vicinity of
obstacles. To decide which planning framework to use, our approach
classifies the environment into regions of different complexity with
respect to the traversability. Experiments carried out in a
simulated office environment and with a Nao humanoid show that (i)
our approach significantly reduces the planning time compared to
pure footstep planning and (ii) the resulting plans are almost as
good as globally computed optimal footstep paths.
author = {Armin Hornung and Maren Bennewitz},
title = {Adaptive Level-of-Detail Planning for Efficient Humanoid Navigation},
booktitle = {Proc.~of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Automation (ICRA)},
year = {2012},
month = {May},
address = {St. Paul, MN, USA}
Collision-free navigation in cluttered environments is essential for
any mobile manipulation system. Traditional navigation systems have
relied on a 2D grid map projected from a 3D representation for
efficiency. This approach, however, prevents navigation close to
objects in situations where projected 3D configurations are in
collision within the 2D grid map even if actually no collision
occurs in the 3D environment. Accordingly, when using such a 2D
representation for planning paths of a mobile manipulation robot,
the number of planning problems which can be solved is limited and
suboptimal robot paths may result. We present a fast, integrated
approach to solve path planning in 3D using a combination of an
efficient octree-based representation of the 3D world and an anytime
search-based motion planner. Our approach utilizes a combination of
multi-layered 2D and 3D representations to improve planning speed,
allowing the generation of almost real-time plans with bounded
sub-optimality. We present extensive experimental results with the
two-armed mobile manipulation robot PR2 carrying large objects in a
highly cluttered environment. Using our approach, the robot is able
to efficiently plan and execute trajectories while transporting
objects, thereby often moving through demanding, narrow passageways.
author = {Armin Hornung and Mike Phillips and E. Gil Jones and
Maren Bennewitz and Maxim Likhachev and Sachin Chitta},
title = {Navigation in Three-Dimensional Cluttered Environments
for Mobile Manipulation},
booktitle = {Proc.~of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Automation (ICRA)},
year = {2012},
month = {May},
address = {St. Paul, MN, USA}
author = {Maren Bennewitz and Daniel Maier and Armin Hornung and
Cyrill Stachniss},
title = {Integrated Perception and Navigation in Complex Indoor Environments},
booktitle = {Proc. of the HUMANOIDS 2011 workshop on Humanoid service
robot navigation in crowded and dynamic environments},
year = 2011,
month = {October},
address = {Bled, Slovenia}
In this paper, we consider the problem of building 3D models of
complex staircases based on laser range data acquired with a
humanoid. These models have to be sufficiently accurate to enable the
robot to reliably climb up the staircase. We evaluate two
state-of-the-art approaches to plane segmentation for humanoid
navigation given 3D range data about the environment. The first
approach initially extracts line segments from neighboring 2D~scan
lines, which are successively combined if they lie on the same
plane. The second approach estimates the main directions in the
environment by randomly sampling points and applying a clustering
technique afterwards to find planes orthogonal to the main directions. We
propose extensions for this basic approach to increase the robustness
in complex environments which may contain a large number of different
planes and clutter. In practical experiments, we thoroughly evaluate
all methods using data acquired with a laser-equipped Nao robot in a
multi-level environment. As the experimental results show, the
reconstructed 3D models can be used to autonomously climb up complex
author = {Stefan O{\ss}wald and Jens-Steffen Gutmann and Armin Hornung
and Maren Bennewitz},
title = {From 3{D} Point Clouds to Climbing Stairs: A Comparison of Plane
Segmentation Approaches for Humanoids},
booktitle = {Proc.~of the IEEE-RAS International Conference
on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids)},
year = 2011,
month = {October},
address = {Bled, Slovenia}
Armin Hornung, E. Gil Jones, Sachin Chitta, Maren Bennewitz, Mike Phillips, and Maxim Likhachev.
Towards Navigation in Three-Dimensional Cluttered Environments.
Abstract Proceedings of The PR2 Workshop:
Results, Challenges and Lessons Learned in Advancing Robots with a Common Platform at IROS 2011.
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author = {A. Hornung and E. G. Jones and S. Chitta and M. Bennewitz and
M. Phillips and M. Likhachev},
title = {Towards Navigation in Three-Dimensional Cluttered Environments},
booktitle = {Proc. of the IROS 2011 PR2 Workshop: Results, Challenges and
Lessons Learned in Advancing Robots with a Common Platform },
year = 2011,
month = {September},
address = {San Francisco, CA, USA}
In this paper, we present an approach to enable a humanoid robot to
autonomously climb up spiral staircases. This task is substantially more challenging than climbing straight stairs since careful repositioning is needed. Our system globally
estimates the pose of the robot, which is subsequently refined by
integrating visual observations. In this way, the robot can
accurately determine its relative position with respect to the next
step. We use a 3D~model of the environment to project edges
corresponding to stair contours into monocular camera images. By
detecting edges in the images and associating them to projected
model edges, the robot is able to accurately locate itself towards
the stairs and to climb them. We present experiments carried out
with a Nao humanoid equipped with a 2D~laser range finder for global
localization and a low-cost monocular camera for short-range
sensing. As we show in the experiments, the robot reliably climbs up the steps of
a spiral staircase.
author = {Stefan O{\ss}wald and Attila G{\"o}r{\"o}g
and Armin Hornung and Maren Bennewitz},
title = {Autonomous Climbing of Spiral Staircases with Humanoids},
booktitle = {Proc.~of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on
Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)},
year = 2011,
month = {September},
address = {San Francisco, CA, USA}
Humanoid robots possess the capability of stepping over or onto
objects, which distinguishes them from wheeled robots. When planning paths for
humanoids, one therefore should consider an intelligent placement of footsteps
instead of choosing detours around obstacles. In this paper, we present an
approach to optimal footstep planning for humanoid robots. Since changes in the
environment may appear and a humanoid may deviate from its originally planned
path due to imprecise motion execution or slippage on the ground, the robot
might be forced to dynamically revise its plans. Thus, efficient methods for
planning and replanning are needed to quickly adapt the footstep paths to new
situations. We formulate the problem of footstep planning so that it can be
solved with the incremental heuristic search method D* Lite and present our
extensions, including continuous footstep locations and efficient collision
checking for footsteps. In experiments in simulation and with a real Nao
humanoid, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the footstep plans computed and
revised by our method. Additionally, we evaluate different footstep sets and
heuristics to identify the ones leading to the best performance in terms of path
quality and planning time. Our D* Lite algorithm for footstep planning is
available as open source implementation.
author = {Johannes Garimort and Armin Hornung and Maren Bennewitz},
title = {Humanoid Navigation with Dynamic Footstep Plans},
booktitle = {Proc.~of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Automation (ICRA)},
year = 2011,
month = {May},
address = {Shanghai, China}
In this paper, we present a localization method for humanoid robots
navigating in arbitrary complex indoor environments using only onboard
sensing. Reliable and accurate
localization for humanoid robots operating in such environments is a
challenging task. First, humanoids typically execute motion
commands rather inaccurately and odometry can be estimated only very
roughly. Second, the observations of the small and lightweight
sensors of most humanoids are seriously affected by noise. Third,
since most humanoids walk with a swaying motion and can freely move in the environment,
e.g., they are not forced to walk on flat ground only, a 6D torso pose has
to be estimated. We apply Monte Carlo localization to globally
determine and track a humanoid's 6D pose in a 3D world model, which
may contain multiple levels connected by staircases. To
achieve a robust localization while walking and climbing stairs, we
integrate 2D laser range measurements as well as attitude data and
information from the joint encoders. We present simulated as well as
real-world experiments with our humanoid and thoroughly evaluate our
approach. As the experiments illustrate, the robot is able to
globally localize itself and accurately track its 6D pose over time.
author = {Armin Hornung and Kai M. Wurm and Maren Bennewitz},
title = {Humanoid Robot Localization in Complex Indoor Environments},
booktitle = {Proc.~of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent
Robots and Systems (IROS)},
year = 2010,
address = {Taipei, Taiwan},
month= {October}
Armin Hornung,
Maren Bennewitz,
Wolfram Burgard.
Learning Efficient Vision-based Navigation.
Abstract Proceedings of the International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation
(IPIN), 2010.
The majority of navigation algorithms for mobile robots assume that
the robots possess enough computational or memory resources to carry
out the necessary calculations. Especially small and lightweight
devices, however, are resource-constrained and have only restricted
capabilities. In this paper, we present a reinforcement learning
approach for mobile robots that considers the imposed constraints
on their sensing capabilities and computational resources,
so that they can reliably and efficiently fulfill their navigation tasks.
Our technique learns a policy that optimally trades off the speed of the robot and the
uncertainty in the observations imposed by its movements.
It furthermore enables the robot to learn an efficient
landmark selection strategy to compactly model the environment. We
describe extensive simulated and real-world experiments carried out
with both wheeled and humanoid robots which demonstrate
that our learned navigation policies significantly outperform
strategies using advanced and manually optimized heuristics.
author = {Armin Hornung and Maren Bennewitz and Cyrill Stachniss and
Hauke Strasdat and Stefan O{\ss}wald and Wolfram Burgard},
title = {Learning Adaptive Navigation Strategies for Resource-constrained
booktitle = {Proc.~of the 3rd Int.~Workshop on Evolutionary and Reinforcement
Learning for Autonomous Robot Systems (ERLARS)},
address = {Lisbon, Portugal},
year = 2010,
month = {August}
In this article, we present a novel approach to learning efficient
navigation policies for mobile robots that use visual features for
localization. As fast movements of a mobile robot typically introduce
inherent motion blur in the acquired images, the uncertainty of the
robot about its pose increases in such situations. As a result, it
cannot be ensured anymore that a navigation task can be executed
efficiently since the robot's pose estimate might not correspond to
its true location. We present a reinforcement learning
approach to determine a navigation policy to reach the destination
reliably and, at the same time, as fast as possible. Using our
technique, the robot learns to trade off velocity against localization
accuracy and implicitly takes the impact of motion blur on
observations into account. We furthermore developed a method to
compress the learned policy via a clustering approach. In this way,
the size of the policy representation is significantly reduced, which
is especially desirable in the context of memory-constrained systems.
Extensive simulated and real-world experiments carried out with two
different robots demonstrate that our learned policy significantly
outperforms policies using a constant velocity and more advanced
heuristics. We furthermore show that the policy is generally
applicable to different indoor and outdoor scenarios with varying
landmark densities as well as to navigation tasks of different complexity.
author = {Armin Hornung and Maren Bennewitz and Hauke Strasdat},
title = {Efficient Vision-based Navigation -- {L}earning about the Influence
of Motion Blur},
journal = {Autonomous Robots},
year = 2010,
volume = 29,
issue = 2,
pages = {137-149},
doi = {}
In this paper, we present an approach for modeling 3D environments
based on octrees using a probabilistic occupancy estimation. Our
technique is able to represent full 3D models including free and
unknown areas. It is available as an open-source library to
facilitate the development of 3D mapping systems. We
also provide a detailed review of existing approaches to 3D
modeling. Our approach was thoroughly evaluated using different
real-world and simulated datasets. The results demonstrate that our
approach is able to model the data probabilistically while, at the
same time, keeping the memory requirement at a minimum.
author = {K. M. Wurm and A. Hornung and
M. Bennewitz and C. Stachniss and W. Burgard},
title = {{OctoMap}: A Probabilistic, Flexible, and Compact {3D} Map
Representation for Robotic Systems},
booktitle = {Proc. of the ICRA 2010 Workshop on Best Practice in
3D Perception and Modeling for Mobile Manipulation},
year = 2010,
month = may,
address = {Anchorage, AK, USA},
url = {},
note = {Software available at \url{}}
Reliable and efficient navigation with a humanoid robot is a
difficult task. First, the motion commands are executed rather
inaccurately due to backlash in the joints or foot slippage. Second,
the observations are typically highly affected by noise due to the
shaking behavior of the robot. Thus, the localization performance
is typically reduced while the robot moves and the uncertainty about
its pose increases. As a result, the reliable and efficient execution of a
navigation task cannot be ensured anymore since the
robot's pose estimate might not correspond to the true location. In
this paper, we present a reinforcement learning approach to select
appropriate navigation actions for a humanoid robot equipped with a
camera for localization. The robot learns to reach the destination
reliably and as fast as possible, thereby choosing actions to
account for motion drift and trading off velocity in terms of fast
walking movements against accuracy in localization. We present
extensive simulated and practical experiments with a humanoid robot
and demonstrate that our learned policy significantly outperforms a
hand-optimized navigation strategy.
author = {Stefan O{\ss}wald and Armin Hornung and Maren Bennewitz},
title = {Learning Reliable and Efficient Navigation with a Humanoid},
booktitle = {Proc.~of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Automation (ICRA)},
year = {2010},
address = {Anchorage, AK, USA},
month = {May}
Cameras are popular sensors for robot navigation tasks such as
localization as they are inexpensive, lightweight, and provide rich
data. However, fast movements of a mobile robot typically reduce
the performance of vision-based localization systems due to motion
blur. In this paper, we present a reinforcement learning approach
to choose appropriate velocity profiles for vision-based navigation.
The learned policy minimizes the time to reach the destination and
implicitly takes the impact of motion blur on observations into
account. To reduce the size of the resulting policies, which is
desirable in the context of memory-constrained systems, we compress
the learned policy via a clustering approach. Extensive simulated
and real-world experiments demonstrate that our learned policy
significantly outperforms any policy that uses a constant velocity.
We furthermore show, that our policy is applicable to different
environments. Additional experiments demonstrate that our
compressed policies do not result in a performance loss compared to
the originally learned policy.
author = {Armin Hornung and Hauke Strasdat and Maren Bennewitz and Wolfram
title = {Learning Efficient Policies for Vision-based Navigation},
booktitle = {Proc.~of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent
Robots and Systems (IROS)},
year = {2009},
address = {St. Louis, MO, USA},
month = {October}
Cameras are a useful sensor for mobile robot localization because they are relatively cheap, compact, and lightweight. This makes them attractive for robots with payload limitations, such as humanoid robots or small unmanned aerial vehicles. However, fast movements typically reduce the ability to use a vision-based localization due to motion blur.
In this thesis, we present a reinforcement learning approach for a robot learning a vision-based navigation policy. The learned policy minimizes the time to reach the destination and implicitly takes the impact of motion blur on landmark observations and thus on localization into account. Extensive simulated and real-world experiments show that our learned policy significantly outperforms any policy of moving with a constant velocity and is generally applicable to different environments. We experimentally determined the most relevant state features for the learning task.
Additionally, we present a method for compressing the learned policy with a clustering approach. While the size of the policy representation is drastically reduced, our experiments show that there is no loss of performance. This is especially valuable for memory-constrained systems.
author = {Armin Hornung},
title = {Learning Policies for Reliable Mobile Robot Localization},
school = {Albert-Ludwigs-Universit{\"a}t Freiburg},
year = {2009},
type = {Diplomarbeit},
address = {Freiburg, Germany},
month = {January}
Our table soccer robot can already challenge even professional human players. Next, the robot should play games by using human-like skills. As a foundation of this research, our table soccer game recorder can save and replay games played by humans. This video shows the construction and functionality of the recording system. We use three types of sensors mounted on a regular game table. The movement of a game rod is measured by an optical distance sensor. Its turning is observed by a magnetic rotary encoder. Two laser measurement systems are synchronized to determine the position of the ball. The raw sensor data is smoothed by an approach using multi-model Kalman filter. We developed several software modules for the system. The modules provide a basis for the future research.
author = {Zhang, Dapeng and Hornung, Armin},
title = {A Table Soccer Game Recorder},
booktitle = {Proc.~of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent
Robots and Systems (IROS)},
year = {2008},
address = {Nice, France},
month = {September}
In table soccer, humans can not always thoroughly observe fast actions like rod spins and kicks. However, this is necessary in order to detect rule violations for example for tournament play. We describe an automatic system using sensors on a regular soccer table to detect rule violations in realtime. Naive Bayes is used for kick classification, the parameters are trained using supervised learning. In the on-line experiments, rule violations were detected at a higher rate than by the human players. The implementation proved its usefulness by being used by humans in real games and sets a basis for future research using probability models in table soccer.
author = {Hornung, Armin and Zhang, Dapeng},
title = {On-Line Detection of Rule Violations in Table Soccer},
booktitle = {KI '08: Proceedings of the 31st annual German conference on
Advances in Artificial Intelligence},
year = {2008},
pages = {217--224},
address = {Berlin, Heidelberg},
month = {March},
publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
doi = {},
isbn = {978-3-540-85844-7},
location = {Kaiserslautern, Germany}
Humans improve their sport skills by eliminating one recognizable
weakness at a time. Inspired by this observation, we
define a learning paradigm in which different learners can
be plugged together. An extra attention model is in charge
of iterating over them and chosing which one to improve
next. The paradigm is named Switching Attention Learning
(SAL). The essential idea is that improving one model in the
system generates more "improvement space" for the others.
Using SAL, an application for tracking the game ball in a
table soccer game-recorder is implemented. We developed
several models and learners which work together in the SAL
framework, producing satisfying results in the experiments.
The related problems, advantages, and perspective of the
switching attention learning are discussed in this paper.
author = {Zhang, Dapeng and Nebel, Bernhard and Hornung, Armin},
title = {Switching Attention Learning -- A Paradigm for Introspection and
Incremental Learning},
booktitle = {Proc.~of the 5th International Conference on Computational
Intelligence, Robotics and Autonomous Systems (CIRAS)},
year = {2008},
address = {Linz, Austria},
month = {June}
Armin Hornung.
Detecting Violations in Table Soccer Games Using Naive Bayes Classifiers.
Student project, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, Germany 2007.
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In table soccer, humans can not always accurately observe fast actions like rod spins and kicks. However, this is necessary in order to detect rule violations for example for tournament play. This project describes an automatic referee using sensors on a regular soccer table to detect rule violations. The gap between noisy sensor data and the high-level concept of a kick is bridged by using naive Bayes classifiers for kick detection. Input to the classifiers are the coordinates of the ball relative to the kicking figure, modelled as Gaussian distributions. The classifier is trained offline using supervised learning. In the experiments, all rule violations were detected online. The implementation proved its usefulness by being used in regular games. Future work on segmenting table soccer games or sequence learning can benefit from the findings of this project by classifying game situations with the methods described here.